I have extensive experience throughout northern California and have also worked in southern California, Arizona, Mississippi, Montana, and New Mexico. I have evaluated hundreds of buildings including railroad roundhouses, train stations, airports, golf course clubhouses, log cabins, theaters, courthouses, warehouses, farmsteads, public housing complexes, hospitals, stores, churches, and schools, as well as many types of houses.
My reports have been accepted by:
Library of Congress
National Park Service
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Housing and Urban Development
California State Office of Historic Preservation
San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission
San Francisco Bay Area cities and counties.​
I have extensive personal experience in history and preservation, including:
Long-time board member of the award-winning Western Neighborhoods Project, which received the State of California Governor’s Award for Historic Preservation
President and board member of the Northern California Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians
Former board member of the modern architecture organization, Northern California Chapter of docomomo